- Maria标准 Maria clinical scale
- 我叫Maria postman。 Good evening, Ms. Postman.
- 将姓名从“Maria Anders”更改为Anders。 Change the name from Maria Anders to Anders.
- 蒙特利索教育法是意大利的Maria Montessori博士1870-1952发明的一种教育方法。 The Montessori educational approach is a methodology and educational philosophy for nursery and elementary school education, first developed by Dr. Maria Montessori 1870-1952.
- Boccaccio酒店坐落于历史市中心,在Arno河和Santa Maria Novella新圣母玛利亚教堂之间的一个地区。 Hotel Boccaccio can be found in the heart of the historic city centre, in an area between the River Arno and the Church of Santa Maria Novella.
- Andrew Blais把他的时间分别用于在家教育他的儿子、自由撰稿以及在Anna Maria学院讲授哲学和心理学。 Andrew Blais divides his time between home schooling his son, freelance writing, and teaching philosophy and religion at Anna Maria College.
- Grand Hotel Minerva酒店位于文化之都佛罗伦萨,从酒店的客房及屋顶可俯视Santa Maria Novella教堂的回廊。 Gaze over the cultural city of Florence, with panoramic rooftop views and rooms overlooking the cloisters of the church of Santa Maria Novella.
- 介绍了蛋白质和DNA序列上特异和非特异位点结合的研究状况,并详细介绍了MichaelSlutsky和Maria Barbi等人提出的有关蛋白质和DNA序列结合的理论模型,同时对这几种理论模型提出新的展望。 The derelopment of protein binding with specific and non_specific sites on DNA sequence is infroduced,the lakely work of Michael Slutsky and Maria Barbi of theoretical models of profein binding with specific and non_specific sifes on DNA sequend is also discribed,and the new prospect of these models is presented.